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License to Carry Texas: A How to Guide on Getting Licensed in February 2025

David Harrison  ·  Updated on January 3, 2025

Guides License to Carry
How to get an LTC in Texas

Are you looking to get a license to carry a handgun in Texas? In this article, we'll show you the exact process and steps for obtaining a license to carry in Texas, including what documents you need to provide and how to apply. It is extremely important to get this done right the first time. You don't want to have to go back and forth with the DPS for not subitting your application or training documents correctly. Read on to learn more about getting a license to carry a handgun in Texas, formerly known has a concealed handgun license or CHL.


I. Introduction to obtaining a license to carry in Texas


A. Overview of Texas Gun Laws

The state of Texas allows for open carry of handguns without a license, and concealed carry with a license. To obtain a license to carry a handgun in Texas, you must meet certain requirements, including being at least 18 years old (new rule since 01/2023), having no felony convictions, and completing a handgun proficiency course. Additionally, you must provide certain documents when applying for a license a valid form of identification and a completed application form.

Keep in mind that not everyone can open carry a handgun in Texas without a license. Even though you don't have to have a license for permitless carry, you must still be eligible to receive one if you were to apply to be able to legally carry without a license. Carrying without a license to carry can pose many risks. The general rule of thumb is, if you can afford to get a license to carry, you should.

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II. Requirements for Obtaining a License


A. Age Requirement

In order to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Texas, you must be at least 18 years old

B. Criminal Record

You must have no felony convictions in order to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Texas. Additionally, you must not have any misdemeanor convictions related to the use of a firearm in the past five years. You also need to be current on your child support according to the state of Texas.

C. Handgun Proficiency Course

You must also complete a handgun proficiency course in order to obtain a license to carry a handgun in Texas. This course must be approved by the Texas Department of Public Safety and must include at least four hours of instruction on the use of a handgun.

There are two parts to the course. The online portion which includes the written exam and the in person live fire proficiency training. The online portion for your LTC course is 4 hours and made up for a series of short 15 minute or less videos, allowing you to come and go as you need.

We specialize in offering the online portion of the course to our students. We offer a streamlined approach that is self paced, meaning you can come and go as needed and switch between your computer, tablet, and phone as needed. We give you 1 year to finish the course, so there is no need to stress over getting it done right away. Take as much or as little time as you need to get it done.

License to carry online course dashboard

We also know it can be more enjoyable to take the course with friends or family members. Just for this reason we offer the biggest multi student discounts in the industry making your course as low as $25. Thats on average $45 CHEAPER than the competitors.

LTC Group Discount

The DPS approved online course is made up of 4 modules, followed by a 25 question multiple choice final exam. You must get an 80% or better to pass and you get three attempts to pass. We have a 100% pass rate among our 35,000+ students.

LTC Video based course

Once you pass the exam you will immediately get access to your DPS issues LTC-104 certificate of training (formerly called a LTC-101 if issued before 5/1/2024). This document is required to apply for your license to carry in Texas and you must bring it with you to your in person live fire proficiency exam.

This is an example of what you LTC-104 will look like after you complete the online course. 

What is the live fire proficiency exam and how to do I schedule this step?

The live fire proficiency will be administered by a DPS certified local LTC (formerly CHL) instructor of your choice. At the end of the course you will see a "find an instructor" button on your dashboard and at the end of the course (You can also find it at Account -> Instructor Search). Once here you will enter in your county, which will pull up all the verified shooting instructors that a licensed to administer the shooting exam for the Texas DPS.  Keep in mind we do not take any sort of money from these instructors and simply provide the list as a courtesy. For a detailed view of the shooting exam visit our Texas LTC Shooting Proficiency Demonstration page. 

license to carry checklist

LTC instructor search instructions

How to find an LTC instructor for the shooting exam

Once you arrive for the training be sure to give the instructor the LTC 104 (formerly your LTC-101 if issued before 5/1/2024) we gave you so they can fill out the range instruction and proficiency demonstration portions. Upon successfully shooting a total of 50 rounds with your handgun from 3, seven, and 15 yards, the Texas license to carry instructor will sign off on those last two sections of your LTC 104 from.

During this part of the course, its a great time to ask any questions regarding carrying laws, concealed carry, permitless carry, or any other general questions regarding regulation and or your experience.

This is what the completed LTC-104 certificate will look like:

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III. Documents Needed for Application


A. Proof of Residency (read completely as non-residents can now obtain a license)

Before 2017 when applying for a license to carry a handgun in Texas, you needed to have to provide proof of residency. This included a valid Texas driver's license, a valid Texas ID card, or a current utility bill or lease agreement. However, Texas no longer has a resident only policy as they now allow for non-resident permits. This means you do not need to show proof of residency to the Texas government. And state issued ID from any of the 50 US states or territories will work. 

B. Valid Form of Identification

You must provide a valid form of government issued identification when applying for a license to carry a handgun in Texas. This can include a valid Texas driver's license, a valid Texas ID card, or a valid passport.

C. Completed Application Form

You must also complete an online application form when applying for a license to carry a handgun in Texas. This online form must include your name, address, date of birth, and other relevant information like your LTC-104 form from completing your different training requirements that give you the experience necessary to receive your license. We will go over those training requirements in more detail below.

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IV. Applying for a License


A. Where to Apply

You can apply online through the Texas Department of Public Safety website. The online application is easy to complete and only takes a few minutes. The DPS website walks you through everything you need including how to properly get your fingerprinting done locally through a company called "identogo." You can google for the nearest location to you. The DPS will provide you with a service code during the application period via email which you will provide to identogo. This company will be responsible to taking your fingerprints and photo and securely getting that information to the Texas department of public safety for a fee of $15.

Since COVID the DPS has moved from doing fingerprinting manually in person to having the service provided by identogo. There has been no communication that the sheriffs department will ever resume doing them in person at your local station. For detailed instructions on the fingerprinting processing please refer to the Texas DPS website.

Some helpful information from the DPS website can be found here:

  1. Have your Service Code handy. You should have received your Service Code in an email when you completed your application online or via email or letter when your DPS application is complete.
  2. Visit the Fingerprinting Services website, and enter your Service Code, or
  3. Call (888) 467-2080, and follow the instructions to schedule an appointment. When prompted, provide your Service Code.

We advise our students to complete the process in the following order.

  1. Complete the online Texas LTC class and obtain your DPS issued LTC-104 (LTC-101 if issued prior to May 1st 2024).
  2. Complete the live fire exam and have the instructor fill out the range instruction and shooting proficiency demonstration portion of your LTC 104 certificate of training (this document is the same as an LTC 101/100 if you completed your course before May 1st 2024).
  3. Start the DPS application online to receive your service code to get your fingerprinting done. We made a complete guide to the Texas LTC Application for you. 
  4. Get fingerprinting done at Identogo. We put togehter a complete guide on How to Submit Your Fingerprints for your Texas LTC
  5. Submit your LTC-100, LTC-101, or LTC-104 to the DPS using our Step by Step guide to Submit your Texas Lincese to Carry Supporting Documents

B. Fees

When applying for a license to carry a handgun in Texas, you must pay a fee of $40 directly to the Texas DPS. This fee is non-refundable. You may be eligible for discounts if you are a veteran or active duty.

Expect to pay a maximum of $15 for your fingerprints and photo.

Our course is as low as $25 when group discounts are applied, or $45 if you are taking it alone.

The live fire portion of the exam will range between $25 to $40. We don't recommend paying more than $40 unless they are providing instruction above and beyond the required state mandated hour.

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V. LTC 104 vs LTC 101 and LTC 100 forms

As mentioned previously once you complete our online LTC course you will be issued a DPS LTC-104 form. This is the certificate of training that shows the Texas DPS that you passed the required training to receive your permit. Note, that up until May 1st, 2024, the LTC-101 and LTC-100 were issued. The DPS has combined both forms and now will ONLY issue the LTC-104 if you completed your course on May 1st, 2024 or later. 

What is an LTC 100?

A LTC 100 is pretty much the same as an LTC 101. The only difference is, an LTC 101 is issued when you do the course online and in person. And the LTC 100 is whats issued when you do the course all in person. They both get your license to carry in Texas and it doesn't matter which way you prefer to do your training. It's estimated that 95% of all LTC "classroom" training in 2023 will be done in person therefore issuing LTC 101's.

What is an LTC 104?

The LTC 104 is the newest for from the DPS and replaces the LTC-100 and LTC-101 as of May 1st, 2024. It does they exact same things as the 101 and 100, it just consolidates the forms into one to make it easier for processing on the instructor and DPS sides. If you complete your LTC course on May 1st 2024 or later, you will be issued an LTC-104. If you took your course through someone other than TexasCarryCourse, and they DO NOT issue you a LTC-104, you need to reach out to them to get the appropriate LTC-104, as LTC-100 and LTC-101 will not be accepted by the DPS is you completed the course on May 1st, 2024 or later. IT HAS TO BE A LTC-104. 

How long is a lisence to carry a firearm in Texas valid for?

In Texas, a license to carry a firearm is valid for five years from the date of issuance. To renew your license, you must submit an application to the Texas Department of Public Safety at least 45 days before the expiration date. You must also provide proof of training and a valid form of identification. Once approved, your new license will be valid for another five years.


VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, applying for a license to carry a handgun in Texas is a multi-step process that requires you to complete the online portion, live fire exam, and fingerprinting. You must also pay the required fees, which include the $40 fee to the Texas DPS, a maximum of $15 for your fingerprints and photo, and the cost of the online portion and live fire portion of the exam. Lastly, you will need to obtain an LTC 104 form, depending on the method of training you choose, both get you your license. We hope this blog post has been informative and helpful in guiding you through the process of obtaining your license to carry a handgun in Texas.

To get started, sign up for our course at We proudly serve over 10,000 students per year.

A. Resources for Further Information

If you are looking for more information on obtaining a license to carry a handgun in Texas, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) website is a great resource. The DPS website provides information on the application process, fees, and the required training. Additionally, you can get started on our website right away at You can also find information on the renewal process and the requirements for a concealed handgun license.

For more information on the Texas Department of Public Safety, please visit their website at 

About the Author

Written by David Harrison

David Harrison is an avid firearms enthusiast who has been in and around the industry since he was young. He has worked for multiple firearms companies and brings a wealth of knowledge to the Texas Carry Course Team. During his time off you can find him at the firing range, or at the local baseball field coaching little league.

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