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How to get a License to Carry (LTC) in Texas in February 2025

David Harrison  ·  Updated on January 3, 2025

Guides License to Carry

Are you looking to get your License to Carry in Texas? Our professional team members are ready to help you become licensed. With an online class that you can take at your own speed, there isn’t a reason not to get your license to carry in Texas today!

Steps to Get Your Licence to Carry in Texas Through TexasCarryCourse

Life can get chaotic sometimes. Our team at TexasCarryCourse understands and wants you to have the best opportunity to get your license to carry in Texas! By following these steps, we have a straightforward process that will get you your LTC permit in no time, with the majority of the process done online, where you can complete the class at a time that is convenient for you.

Check your Eligibility!

You should check your eligibility before you try to go through handgun licensing in Texas, by doing this you are preventing wasting your time when you may not qualify by law. Eligibility requirements for a license to carry in Texas include but are not limited to:

  • a legal resident of the USA
  • at least 18 years of age
  • not convicted/ charged with a felony or a Class A or B misdemeanor
  • capable of exercising sound judgement under possession of a gun

*The rest of the requirements can be found on the Texas DPS website.

If you have questions about your eligibility or would like to challenge portions of your eligibility, there are proper channels on the Texas Department of Public Safety website to help you address your concerns.

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Complete the Class

Once you confirm your eligibility, you’re ready to start the class portion! Our class is made for people to get the information they need in a time frame that is convenient for them. If you have the time to get it all done at once, great! If not, you can pause the class and return to it whenever you would like. There are 4 modules of content and a 25 question exam at the end to gauge your knowledge.

Complete the Live Fire Exam

Our team of professionals do not give the live fire exam, however, we have access to contacts who are authorized to help achieve this. A live fire portion is required by law and is done in order to test your ability firing a gun which involves firing in a range to accurately hit a target. In order to prepare for the live fire portion, you’ll need to spend some time practicing target shots and working on accuracy.

What Exactly is the Live Fire Exam?

The live fire exam is the second half of your certification that is stated by law and needed to get your LTC permit. One of our trained team members will be able to direct you to a location in your area that will do just the live fire portion of the certification. Depending on the location, you may have to bring your own handgun and ammo, however, some locations may supply these materials. Some locations also have a range fee. There are three stages to the exam: 20 shots from 3 yards, 20 shots from 7 yards, and 10 shots from 15 yards. These stages will be scored based on the rings of a standard B-27 target. A passing score is a 70%. Standard Scoring is as follows:

  • 5 points: hit inside the 8,9,10, or X rings
  • 4 points: hit inside the 7 ring
  • 3 points: hit outside of the 7 ring but still on the silhouette
  • 0 points: outside the silhouette, off the target, outside of time limits
  • You are encouraged to bring more than the 50 rounds of ammo required for this exam.
  • In terms of appropriate dress, it is recommend to wear eye and ear protection, closed toed shoes, and long pants.
  • When you go to take your exam, don’t forget to relax and do your best! There is no reason to be nervous and it may cause you to do worse than you normally would.

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Apply for your LTC

After you have passed both the online portion and the live fire portion, you must apply for your Texas LTC permit on the Texas DPS website. There is a $40 fee to receive a license. The law states you must be 18 years old to get your LTC.

Get Fingerprinted

You will need to schedule an appointment to get fingerprinted once you apply for your Texas LTC permit. You can plan for a fee around $10. The appointment can be scheduled online immediately after completing the Texas LTC virtual application. Handgun licensing in Texas goes through a company MorphoTrust USA to get electronic fingerprints. MorphoTrust USA has offices all over Texas which makes getting fingerprinted quick and convenient. It is possible that the sent fingerprints may not meet all of the requirements of the law. If this is the case, you will be notified in writing to submit additional fingerprints.

Submit Paperwork

In terms of paperwork, you will need certifications from the classroom and live firing portion, an LTC-6 form, 2 passport style photos (if you are an out of state resident), and a copy of a government issued ID. The Texas DPS website will be able to walk you through exactly what you need and when you should submit it. If you do not want to submit your paperwork online, all of this information can be sent via mail.

Wait for Approval

For your Texas LTC permit, the DPS will take your certifications and paperwork and start processing them. This can take up to 60 days. You cannot begin to open carry until you receive your physical license in the mail. If something needs clarification or the Texas Department of Public Safety requires more information, they will reach out to you via mail. Once you submit the additional needed paperwork, the DPS has additional time (180 days) to approve your application. Be sure to send in the needed information as soon as possible as significant delays can cause DPS to terminate your license request.

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What will I learn from the Texas LTC online class?

In the TexasCarryCourse online class, you will be educated on how to be a responsible gun owner who has the knowledge to act safely, quickly, and with confidence in order to get your handgun licensing in Texas. Throughout the program, you will have interactive sections and entertaining videos that will keep your interest–making the four hours of information fly by. With the interactive material, you will have the ability to learn more about gun knowledge and safety than you ever thought you would. Topics required to get your Texas LTC by the Department of Public Safety include:

  • Laws related to weapons
  • Handgun use and safety as well as the use of restraint holsters and other secure carrying methods
  • Non-violent resolution of a dispute
  • Proper storage of a gun to avoid accidental injury from a gun to a child

Why should I go with the TexasCarryCourse virtual class?

The TexasCarryCourse classes are different than the other virtual classes to get handgun licensing in Texas.

  • Our classes offer modern material that you will be interested in watching and actively learning throughout innovative content.
  • We are adaptable to the way that you learn! We offer notes to go along with our video modules.
  • Our instructors are knowledgable on the subject and teach with skill and confidence.
  • We are approved by the Texas DPS.
  • We are mobile friendly! Our classes can be watched on a wide variety of different devices including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. This is perfect for people with a busy lifestyle.


What do you need to get a license to carry in Texas?

The law states to provide: an application, any fees, complete required training (4-6 hours of class and live fire), the LTC-6 form, and 2 photos (passport style) or a copy of government issued ID.

How long does it take to get a license to carry in Texas?

It takes up to 60 days to get a new license to carry in Texas, however, it takes up to 45 days for a renewal license.

Can I open carry on my property in Texas?

In Texas, you can open carry on any property that you own and have the rights to. You can also actively exclude license holders from your property via Section 30.06 and Section 30.07 Texas Penal Code.

Is open carry legal in Texas 2024?

The ability to open carry was made legal in Texas (2016) modifying the concealed carry law. You can open carry anywhere that you could previously concealed carry with a permit unless stated otherwise.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get your LTC permit in Texas, sign up for our DPS approved online class today at TexasCarryCourse! Our four hour class is led by professionals who are dedicated to helping you learn the information needed to get your LTC permit and prepare you for safe future gun usage. Sign up for our class and let us help you with handgun licensing in Texas. 

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About the Author

Written by David Harrison

David Harrison is an avid firearms enthusiast who has been in and around the industry since he was young. He has worked for multiple firearms companies and brings a wealth of knowledge to the Texas Carry Course Team. During his time off you can find him at the firing range, or at the local baseball field coaching little league.

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Steps to get your Texas
LTC · License to Carry

Formerly known as a CHL · Concealed Handgun License

Steps to get your Texas LTC · License to Carry

Formerly known as a CHL · Concealed Handgun License