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Listed by Tag: Laws

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Articles Related to Laws

Glossary Terms Related to Laws

Federal Firearm Laws

Laws regulated by the federal government that govern the manufacture, sale, possession, and use o...

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Castle Doctrine

A legal doctrine that allows an individual to use force in self-defense when threatened in their ...

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Stand Your Ground Laws

Statutes in some states that allow individuals to defend themselves against threats or perceived ...

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A secure storage container designed to prevent unauthorized access to firearms, often used to com...

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Trigger Lock

A device designed to prevent a firearm from being discharged, typically by blocking the trigger m...

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Range Safety

Guidelines and practices designed to ensure safety when firing weapons at a shooting range, inclu...

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Self-Defense Laws and Training

Legal principles and educational courses focused on teaching individuals how to protect themselve...

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Situational Awareness Training

Training designed to increase an individual's perception and understanding of their environment a...

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Legal Use of Force

Legal principles that define the circumstances under which an individual may use force, including...

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Non-Lethal Defense Options

Tools and techniques designed to incapacitate or deter an aggressor without causing fatal injurie...

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Prohibited Places for Carrying Handguns

Locations where state or federal law explicitly forbids the carrying of firearms, regardless of t...

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Age Restrictions for Handgun Ownership

Legal requirements that specify the minimum age at which an individual can legally purchase or po...

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Federal Firearms License (FFL)

A license that enables individuals or companies to engage in the business of manufacturing, impor...

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National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)

A system used by gun sellers to quickly determine if a prospective buyer is eligible to purchase ...

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Biometric data provided by applicants as part of the background check process for obtaining a han...

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Written Exam

A test that evaluates an applicant's knowledge of firearm laws, safety rules, and handling proced...

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Shooting Proficiency Exam

A practical test of an applicant's ability to safely handle and accurately shoot a handgun, requi...

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Online Course

A web-based educational program that covers the theoretical aspects of handgun safety, laws, and ...

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Reciprocity Agreement

An agreement between two or more states recognizing each other's concealed carry permits, allowin...

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Temporary Permit

A short-term authorization granted in some jurisdictions while the official handgun license appli...

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Disqualifying Factors

Conditions or backgrounds, such as felony convictions or mental health issues, that can prevent a...

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Background Declaration Form

A part of the application process where candidates disclose their criminal history, mental health...

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License Issuance

The act of granting an official handgun license to an applicant who has met all requirements, typ...

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Suspension and Revocation

The process by which a handgun license can be temporarily suspended or permanently revoked due to...

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Change of Address Notification

A requirement for license holders to inform the issuing authority of any changes to their residen...

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Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)

The state agency responsible for issuing handgun licenses, conducting background checks, and over...

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30.06 & 30.07 Signs

Legal notices used by property owners in Texas to prohibit the carrying of concealed handguns (30...

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Texas Penal Code Chapter 46

The section of Texas law that outlines offenses and regulations related to weapons, including the...

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Texas Online Handgun Licensing (TOHL)

The online platform provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety for managing handgun licens...

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Active Shooter Response Training

Specialized training recommended or required for certain professionals in Texas, focusing on how ...

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Campus Carry Law

A Texas law that allows individuals with an LTC to carry concealed handguns on the campuses of pu...

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Prohibited Places

Specific locations in Texas where carrying a handgun is illegal, even with an LTC, such as school...

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Guardian Plan

A strategy adopted by some Texas schools to authorize employees to carry handguns on campus as a ...

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Duty to Inform

In Texas, the legal obligation of an LTC holder to promptly notify a law enforcement officer of t...

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Reciprocal Carry

Texas recognizes handgun licenses issued by other states, provided those states also recognize Te...

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Disaster Carry Provision

A Texas law that allows individuals to carry a handgun without a license for a limited period imm...

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Holster Requirements

In Texas, the law specifies that handguns carried openly must be carried in a holster, but it doe...

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Minimum Age for LTC

The legal minimum age to apply for a License to Carry a handgun in Texas, which is 18 years of age.

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Firearm Transfer Background Checks

Texas does not require private sellers to conduct a background check prior to transferring a fire...

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Traveling with Firearms

Texas law provides protections for individuals traveling with firearms, allowing for the transpor...

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Defensive Display Law

This law allows Texas residents to display a firearm in a public place in a manner calculated to ...

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Safe Storage Campaign

An initiative by the Texas Department of Public Safety aimed at reducing accidental gun injuries ...

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Mandatory Reporting of Lost or Stolen Firearms

While Texas law does not require individuals to report lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement...

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Enhanced Criminal Penalties for Gun-Related Crimes

Texas law imposes enhanced penalties for certain criminal offenses involving firearms, such as co...

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State Preemption of Local Firearm Regulations

Texas law generally prohibits local governments from enacting gun control measures that are more ...

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Voluntary Surrender of Firearms

Legal provisions in Texas that allow individuals subject to certain court orders, such as domesti...

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Firearms in Foster Homes

Regulations that provide guidelines for the presence and storage of firearms in homes licensed fo...

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