Our Knowledge Base

Listed by Tag: Self Defense

On this page you can find articles and glossary terms (our Handgun terminology knowledge base) that are related by tag.

Articles Related to Self Defense

Glossary Terms Related to Self Defense

Legal Use of Force

Legal principles that define the circumstances under which an individual may use force, including...

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Non-Lethal Defense Options

Tools and techniques designed to incapacitate or deter an aggressor without causing fatal injurie...

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Written Exam

A test that evaluates an applicant's knowledge of firearm laws, safety rules, and handling proced...

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Shooting Proficiency Exam

A practical test of an applicant's ability to safely handle and accurately shoot a handgun, requi...

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Online Course

A web-based educational program that covers the theoretical aspects of handgun safety, laws, and ...

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Suspension and Revocation

The process by which a handgun license can be temporarily suspended or permanently revoked due to...

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Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)

The state agency responsible for issuing handgun licenses, conducting background checks, and over...

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Prohibited Places

Specific locations in Texas where carrying a handgun is illegal, even with an LTC, such as school...

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Guardian Plan

A strategy adopted by some Texas schools to authorize employees to carry handguns on campus as a ...

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Disaster Carry Provision

A Texas law that allows individuals to carry a handgun without a license for a limited period imm...

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Holster Requirements

In Texas, the law specifies that handguns carried openly must be carried in a holster, but it doe...

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Minimum Age for LTC

The legal minimum age to apply for a License to Carry a handgun in Texas, which is 18 years of age.

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Safe Storage Campaign

An initiative by the Texas Department of Public Safety aimed at reducing accidental gun injuries ...

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Enhanced Criminal Penalties for Gun-Related Crimes

Texas law imposes enhanced penalties for certain criminal offenses involving firearms, such as co...

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Firearms in Foster Homes

Regulations that provide guidelines for the presence and storage of firearms in homes licensed fo...

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