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Listed by Tag: Safety

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Articles Related to Safety

A Detailed Look at the Texas LTC Shooting Proficiency Exam September 2024

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Glossary Terms Related to Safety

Four Rules of Gun Safety

Fundamental safety principles that include treating all guns as if they are loaded, never pointin...

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Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC)

A certification that verifies the holder has passed a test on firearm safety, often required befo...

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Child Access Prevention (CAP) Laws

Regulations designed to prevent children from accessing firearms, often requiring gun owners to s...

View Term  View Definition For Child Access Prevention (CAP) Laws
Castle Doctrine

A legal doctrine that allows an individual to use force in self-defense when threatened in their ...

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Stand Your Ground Laws

Statutes in some states that allow individuals to defend themselves against threats or perceived ...

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A device used to hold or restrict the undesired movement of a handgun, most commonly used when th...

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The projectiles and their components, including bullets, cartridge cases, primers, and propellant...

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A measurement of the internal diameter of a gun barrel's bore or the diameter of a firearm's bull...

View Term  View Definition For Caliber

A secure storage container designed to prevent unauthorized access to firearms, often used to com...

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Trigger Lock

A device designed to prevent a firearm from being discharged, typically by blocking the trigger m...

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Range Safety

Guidelines and practices designed to ensure safety when firing weapons at a shooting range, inclu...

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Self-Defense Laws and Training

Legal principles and educational courses focused on teaching individuals how to protect themselve...

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Situational Awareness Training

Training designed to increase an individual's perception and understanding of their environment a...

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Legal Use of Force

Legal principles that define the circumstances under which an individual may use force, including...

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Non-Lethal Defense Options

Tools and techniques designed to incapacitate or deter an aggressor without causing fatal injurie...

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Prohibited Places for Carrying Handguns

Locations where state or federal law explicitly forbids the carrying of firearms, regardless of t...

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Age Restrictions for Handgun Ownership

Legal requirements that specify the minimum age at which an individual can legally purchase or po...

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Shooting Proficiency Exam

A practical test of an applicant's ability to safely handle and accurately shoot a handgun, requi...

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Online Course

A web-based educational program that covers the theoretical aspects of handgun safety, laws, and ...

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Temporary Permit

A short-term authorization granted in some jurisdictions while the official handgun license appli...

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Certificate of Completion

A document awarded to individuals who successfully complete the required training courses or exam...

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Suspension and Revocation

The process by which a handgun license can be temporarily suspended or permanently revoked due to...

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Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)

The state agency responsible for issuing handgun licenses, conducting background checks, and over...

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30.06 & 30.07 Signs

Legal notices used by property owners in Texas to prohibit the carrying of concealed handguns (30...

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Texas Penal Code Chapter 46

The section of Texas law that outlines offenses and regulations related to weapons, including the...

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Campus Carry Law

A Texas law that allows individuals with an LTC to carry concealed handguns on the campuses of pu...

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Guardian Plan

A strategy adopted by some Texas schools to authorize employees to carry handguns on campus as a ...

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Duty to Inform

In Texas, the legal obligation of an LTC holder to promptly notify a law enforcement officer of t...

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Traveling with Firearms

Texas law provides protections for individuals traveling with firearms, allowing for the transpor...

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Defensive Display Law

This law allows Texas residents to display a firearm in a public place in a manner calculated to ...

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Safe Storage Campaign

An initiative by the Texas Department of Public Safety aimed at reducing accidental gun injuries ...

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Mandatory Reporting of Lost or Stolen Firearms

While Texas law does not require individuals to report lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement...

View Term  View Definition For Mandatory Reporting of Lost or Stolen Firearms
Enhanced Criminal Penalties for Gun-Related Crimes

Texas law imposes enhanced penalties for certain criminal offenses involving firearms, such as co...

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Firearms in Foster Homes

Regulations that provide guidelines for the presence and storage of firearms in homes licensed fo...

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