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Step by Step Texas License to Carry Application Guide September 2024

David Harrison  ·  Updated on August 8, 2024

Guides Concealed Carry Open Carry License to Carry CCW
Texas LTC Application Guide

You must properly submit your Texas LTC application to get a Texas License to Carry, especially if you want to get it quickly.  In this article we guide you through the steps to properly submit your Texas License to Carry application to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).  Save yourself the headache and get it done right the first time.  


A Brief Overview of the Texas License to Carry

The Texas License to Carry - LTC for short was previously called a Concealed Handgun License or CHL prior to 2015. When Texas passed the Open Carry bill in 2015, they aptly changed the name of the license to LTC. Other terms you may hear are Concealed Carry Weapon - CCW, Concealed Carry Permit - CCP, or Concealed Carry License - CCL. Just note while those all generally mean the same thing in Texas.

The official legal name in Texas is a License to Carry, because it allows you to carry your firearm BOTH Concealed or Openly.  Now that we got that out of the way let's jump into the best guide you're going to find on how to properly submit your Texas License to Carry Application online. 


Steps to Submit your Texas License to Carry (LTC) Application

Below are the exact steps you need to take to successfully apply online for your Texas LTC. 

Step 1: Head over to the Texas DPS website ( Once there, click on the Handgun Licensing shown in the photo below. 

Texas DPS Website Handgun Licensing Division


Step 2: Next you will click on the Apply for an LTC link as shown in the image below.

Texas DPS Website Apply For a Handgun License


Step 3: Next click on the Submit an Application Online link. 

Texas LTC Application Licensing & regulation program information


Step 4: This will take you to the official Texas DPS License to Carry Online Application Form. Click “Apply” to get started.

Texas LTC Application on DPS Website


Step 5: This will bring you to the first request of personal information for the license to carry application. To start your application you will need a valid driver's license or state ID. This can be from any US state, not just Texas (for non-resident applicants). 

In this step fill in your driver's license number, date of birth, and the Texas DL/ID Audit Number. In the image below you can see where to locate each of those on your Texas ID. If you are using an out of state license they should be labeled the same, but they might be found in a different spot on the license.

Texas DPS LTC App Account Creation


Step 6: Select your application type. Read through the list to see if you qualify for any of the special conditions like veteran, judge, correctional officer, etc. You can see a full list and break down of the cost in our article titled How much does it cost to get a License to Carry.

Texas LTC Application Pricing Page


Step 7: The next step of the Texas LTC application is to enter your personal information. This will include your Full Name, Gender, Height, Weight, Eye Color, Hair Color, Race, Country of Birth, State of Birth and City of Birth.

DPS LTC Application Personal Information


Step 8: This step will require you to enter your contact information. This will include your email address, phone number, current address and mailing address if different, and current employer.

Texas LTC Application Contact Information Step


Step 9: In this step of the online LTC application you will need to enter your residential history for the last 5 years. 

How Apply for a Texas LTC - Residential History


Step 10: Next you will need to enter your Employment History for the last 5 years. See the reference images below.

How to Submit Texas LTC Application online - Employment History


Step 11: In this step you will need to answer some simple questions regarding any criminal history with law enforcement. If you don’t have any then you will select “no” for all the questions.

How to do the Texas LTC Application - Self Reported Evidence


Step 12: The Texas DPS will ask you if you want to donate to the “Fund for Veterans’ Assistance.” I’m not sure if this changes over time. The donation will be added to your total application fee at the end.

Texas LTC Application Veteran Donation Option



Step 13: Next you’ll need to review the information you imputed in the previous steps to make sure everything is correct. Take the time to review this because giving incorrect information could mean your online Texas LTC application is rejected. 

Review Your Application - Texas LTC


Step 14: Next on the LTC application is to agree to the Affidavit. This gives the Texas Department of Public Safety the authority to run your background check using the information you supplied through the National FBI and law enforcement databases. 

Texas LTC DPS Affidavit


Step 15: And we have finally arrived at the last step for the online application… Now all you have to do is pay your online LTC application fee. 

Texas License to Carry Application Payment Form


Step 16: Print or save your confirmation email for your records. You’ll want to take this with you to your fingerprinting appointment we will discuss in the next step. 

LTC Application Confirmation Email

If you have followed along, congrats on successfully completing and submitting your Texas LTC application to the DPS. While it seems like there are a lot of steps, at least they are short and easy. Expect to spend about 5-10 minutes filling out the online application. 


Now just get your Fingerprints taken with IdentoGO to wrap up your Texas License to Carry Application

After you submit your application you will get an email from “Identogo.” Click the link in the email to schedule your fingerprint appointment at a location near you. Check out this in-depth guide on How to Submit your Fingerprints for your Texas License to Carry

Please don't skip the fingerprits or your application will be considered incomplete.


Next Steps After you Submit Your Application

Depending on the order of how you did things there will still be some additional steps. My preferred order is to complete your online LTC course first, then your in person LTC Shooting proficiency Demonstration (your shooting qualification or shooting exam will cover hands on gun safety), followed by your online application, then your fingerprints with IdentoGo, and finally finish off the process by uploading your LTC-104 certification (previously called a LTC-101 prior to May 1, 2024) and any remaining supporting documents. 


Complete the online LTC class

The first thing we recommend you do before starting the online application process for your LTC is to complete the online LTC course. And you are in luck, this is what we specialize in… Head over to our online Texas License to Carry Course to get started. 


Complete the LTC Shooting Proficiency Exam

You’ll need to complete the LTC Shooting Proficiency Demonstration with a local instructor. To see a complete overview of the shooting exam head over to our LTC Shooting Proficiency Guide. Make sure to check out our virtual shooting exam simulator to practice your shot calls before the real deal. 


Upload your LTC-104 supporting documents to the DPS website

Make sure you upload your LTC-104 after you submit your application. This is the certificate you got after the online course that was filled in by us and your shooting instructor. You can see exactly how to complete this process by looking up our article titled How to Submit your LTC-104 Supporting Documents to the Texas DPS


Frequently Asked Questions


Does the Online LTC application have to be completed in one sitting?

No. The DPS allows you to logout of your application and log back in using your drivers license information. This allows you to find additional information if needed, like past residential addresses or employment history. 


Am I eligible for a Texas license to carry?

There are eligibility requirements in order to get your License to Carry in Texas. Knowing these ahead of time can save you time and money. Here are a few of the most common qualification factors. 

  • Has not been convicted or a fugitive of either a felony.
  • At least 18 years of age.
  • Are mentally competent and are not chemically dependent. 
  • Can properly store and use a gun
  • Can purchase a gun by state and federal standards

For a full right up on all of the eligibility requirements head over to our article titled Texas License to Carry Eligibility Requirements or check out our LTC eligibility questionaire to see if you qualify.


How  much is the application fee?

For most people (non military or vets) the fee will be $40 for a first time application and $25 for renewal applications. Check out our pricing guide on how much its costs to get a license to carry. 


How long will it take to get my License to Carry?

If you do everything right the first time and submit all the correct documents, complete the online class and shooting exam as we instruct you in our guides, it takes about 4 weeks on average. Please note that the DPS does have 60 days to process your application and mail you your license by law. LTC renewals take no more than 45 days. 

About the Author

Written by David Harrison

David Harrison is an avid firearms enthusiast who has been in and around the industry since he was young. He has worked for multiple firearms companies and brings a wealth of knowledge to the Texas Carry Course Team. During his time off you can find him at the firing range, or at the local baseball field coaching little league.

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Steps to get your Texas
LTC · License to Carry

Formerly known as a CHL · Concealed Handgun License

Steps to get your Texas LTC · License to Carry

Formerly known as a CHL · Concealed Handgun License